viernes, 22 de febrero de 2013

El Parque Nacional Tierra del Fuego, Ushuaia.

Castor Americano en Tierra del Fuego, Ushuaia.
Castor Americano, el travieso amigo que causa problemas.

El parque nacional Tierra del Fuego es un parque nacional argentino de 68 909 hectáreas situado en la provincia de Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur, en el extremo suroeste de la porción argentina de la isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego, a unos 12 km al oeste de la ciudad de Ushuaia. Se extiende desde la sierra de Injoo Goiyin (o de Beauvior), al norte del lago Fagnano, hasta la costa del canal Beagle en el sur. La intendencia del parque se encuentra en Ushuaia. Es uno de los pocos parques nacionales argentinos con costas marinas. El parque cuenta con picos en que se alternan con valles donde hay ríos y lagos originarios de glaciales.

El Castor Americano es un problema para el parque, ocasionando dolores de cabeza para los cuidadores que pretenden mantener el órden. Un pequeño y travieso amigo empeñado en sus labores diarias, una de las mayores atracciones del Parque, tiene sus contras.

Solamente unas 2000 ha de su extremo meridional están abiertas al público. El resto del parque tiene la catalogación de «reserva estricta».

Protege una porción del extremo austral de la Cordillera de los Andes, prístinos bosques fueguinos, lagos glaciarios, y costas marinas con biodiversidad perteneciente a la ecorregión marina: Canales y Fiordos del sur de Chile.

Vista panorámica del Parque Nacional Tierra del Fuego. Tierra del Fuego, Ushuaia.
Vista panorámica del Parque Nacional Tierra del Fuego.
El parque se encuentra subdividido en zonas, en cada una de ellas se encuentra regulado cuales son las actividades permitidas de acuerdo a los objetivos de preservación pautados. Del total de 63 000 ha que forman el parque, sólo una superficie de 2000 ha está asignada al uso turístico, teniendo el resto la categoría de reserva natural estricta.

El parque es administrado por la Administración de Parques Nacionales. Existen numerosos guardaparques ubicados en distintos puntos del parque que hacen cumplir las reglamentaciones vigentes en cuanto a las actividades permitidas y no permitidas en el parque, y orientan a los turistas y visitantes que lo recorren.

jueves, 14 de febrero de 2013

Parque Nacional da Terra do Fogo

O Parque Nacional da Terra do Fogo (em espanhol Parque Nacional Tierra del Fuego) é um parque nacional argentino com uma área de 63.000 hectares situado na Terra do Fogo, no extremo sudoeste da parte da ilha, 12 km a oeste da cidade de Ushuaia, estendendo-se desde a Sierra de Injoo Goiyin (ou de Beauvior), a norte do lago Fagnano, até à costa do canal de Beagle.

Apenas 2000 ha do extremo meridional estão abertos ao público, estando a restante área catalogada como "reserva estricta". O Tren del Fin del Mundo (comboio do fim do mundo) é o meio mais usual para os turistas visitarem o parque, partindo da estação "del Fin del Mundo", 8 km a oeste de Ushuaia. Esta é a parte final da linha que unia a prisão de Ushuaia aos campos de trabalho situados na zona que hoje pertence ao parque.

O parque foi criado em 1960 através da Ley Nº 15.554.

O Parque Nacional da Terra do Fogo é o mais austral do continente, com 63 mil hectares. Ocupa 6 km do Canal de Beagle e faz divisa com o Chile. A fauna é composta de guanacos, raposas vermelhas, castores canadenses e coelhos. O parque encontra-se localizado a 11 km de Ushuaia,é o único da Argentina que possui costas para o mar. 

O parque tem admiráveis vistas de lagos, florestas e turfeiras para todos os amantes da natureza. A partir de Ushuaia, é possível realizar atividades como o trekking e passeios de caiaque pelo Rio Lapataia, de águas tranquilas e transparentes. Nas excursões pelo Canal de Beagle são avistados lobos marinhos, pinguins e cormoranes.

viernes, 8 de febrero de 2013

What to do in Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego?

Nearly 500 years ago, a group of explorers from the Old World approached the coast of an unknown land for the first time.

Dispersed fires and columns of smoke from the natives seemed to float upon the waters, in the mist of dawn: this mystical setting probably gave the island its name, Land of Fire. What once was a remote and inhospitable place today attracts thousands of people from all over the world.

Adventure, emotion, history and legend: find out all that the island has to offer. 

See the Southern fires for yourself and light up your imagination...

In order to help you figure out your own view on our land we include some travelers´ impressions, some of which date back to the XVIth century.

"December 17th, 1832. [...] We kept close to the Fuegian shore, but the outline of the rugged, inhospitable Statenland was visible amidst the clouds. In the afternoon we anchored in the Bay of Good Success. While entering we were saluted in a manner becoming the inhabitants of this savage land. [...] Finding it nearly hopeless to push my way through the wood, I followed the course of a mountain torrent. At first, from the waterfalls and number of dead trees, I could hardly crawl along; but the bed of the stream soon became a little more open, from the floods having swept the sides. I continued slowly to advance for an hour along the broken and rocky banks, and was amply repaid by the grandeur of the scene. The gloomy depth of the ravine well accorded with the universal signs of violence. On every side were lying irregular masses of rock and torn-up trees; other trees, though still erect, were decayed to the heart and ready to fall. The entangled mass of the thriving and the fallen reminded me of the forests within the tropics -- yet there was a difference: for in these still solitudes, Death, instead of Life, seemed the predominant spirit. I followed the watercourse till I came to a spot where a great slip had cleared a straight space down the mountain side. By this road I ascended to a considerable elevation, and obtained a good view of the surrounding woods. The trees all belong to one kind, the Fagus betuloides; for the number of the other species of Fagus and of the Winter's Bark, is quite inconsiderable. This beech keeps its leaves throughout the year; but its foliage is of a peculiar brownish-green colour, with a tinge of yellow. As the whole landscape is thus coloured, it has a sombre, dull appearance; nor is it often enlivened by the rays of the sun.
"December 20th, 1832. [...] When we reached the hill we found it the highest in the immediate neighbourhood, and the waters flowed to the sea in opposite directions. We obtained a wide view over the surrounding country: to the north a swampy moorland extended, but to the south we had a scene of savage magnificence, well becoming Tierra del Fuego. There was a degree of mysterious grandeur in mountain behind mountain, with the deep intervening valleys, all covered by one thick, dusky mass of forest. The atmosphere, likewise, in this climate, where gale succeeds gale, with rain, hail, and sleet, seems blacker than anywhere else. In the Strait of Magellan looking due southward from Port Famine, the distant channels between the mountains appeared from their gloominess to lead beyond the confines of this world." Charles Darwin

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viernes, 1 de febrero de 2013

What to do in Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego


Central Office - 674 San Martín St - Open monday to friday from 9 am to 10 pm, weekends and holidays from 9 am to 8 pm. 

Fax/Ph: (02901) 432000 - Phone: 424550 
Tourist Office at the local pier – Open daily, weekends and holiday from 9 am to 6 pm. 
Ph: (02901) 437666 / 432001 / 0800-333-1476 
Local Airport – Attention on flight`s arrival – Ph: (02901) 423970
E-mail: / -

Cruise in Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. Glaciar Perito Moreno.
Cruise in Ushuaia,  Tierra del Fuego


* Yamana Museum:  56 Rivadavia St - Daily from 12 pm to 7 pm - Fare $ 22.
* Maritime Museum & Ushuaia's Old Prison: Yaganes and Gobernador Paz St - Daily from 10 am to 8 pm - Fare $ 60.
* Museum of the End of the World: 173 Maipú St - Monday Saturday & Holidays  from 12 pm to 7 pm – Fare $ 30.
  (valid ticket to visit the Government's Old House). 
* Government's Old House: 465 Maipú - Monday to Saturday & Holidays from 12 pm to 7 pm – 
* City Museum (ex Pena Family House): Maipú y Plüschow St - Daily from 11 am to 6 pm - Free entrance.
* Beban's Family Old House: Maipú and Plüschow St - Daily from 11 am to 6 pm - Free entrance.
* Bosque Yatana: 25 de Mayo St & Magallanes St - Tuesday to Friday from 3 pm to 7 pm - Fare $ 30 - Children under 12 years old free.
* Double Decker City Tour: San Martín & Juana Fadul St. - Tuesday to Friday at 3:30 pm. Weekends & Holiday at 10:30 am & 3:30 pm. – 
Duration: 1h. Fare $ 40.

* Martial Glacier: 7 km away from downtown. Chairlift: Closed until April 30th 

* Tierra del Fuego  National Park: 12 km away from downtown - Fare $ 85.

* Departures from the local Tourist Pier
* Catamaran Tolkeyen: Daily at 9:30 am & 3:30 pm - Duration 2h 30 - Fare $ 155. 

* Catamaran Rumbo Sur: Daily at 9:30 am & 3:30 pm - Duration 2h 30 - Fare $ 155.
* Motonave Barracuda: Daily at 9:30 am & 3:15 pm  - Duration 3 hs – Fare $ 145. 
* Catamaran Canoero: Daily at 9:30 am & 3:30 pm - Duration 2h 30 - Fare $ 155. It Includes coffee service.

* Catamaran Rumbo Sur: Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday at 3:30 pm - Duration 3 hs - Fare $ 155. It includes trekking on Bridges Islands.

* Catamaran Canoero: Daily at 9:30  am & 3:30 pm - Duration 3 hs - Fare $ 155. It includes trekking on Bridges Islands & coffee service.
* Yate Patagonia Explorer: Daily at 9:30 am & 3 pm - Duration 4hs - Fare $ 180. It includes trekking on Bridges Islands & coffee service.
* Yate Kams: Daily at 9:30 am & 3 pm - Duration 4hs – Fare $ 180. It includes trekking on Bridges Islands & coffee service.
* Yate Tango: Daily at 10 am & 3 pm - Duration 4 hs - Fare $ 180. It includes trekking on Bridges Islands & coffee service.
* Yate Che: Daily at 10 am & 3 pm - Duration 4 hs - Fare $ 180. It includes trekking on Bridges Islands & coffee service.

* Yate Seagold (Tres Marías): Daily at 10 am & 3:30 pm - Duration 4 hs aprox. - Fare $ 230. It includes trekking on “H” Island & coffee. service.

* Motor Sailing Boat (Tres Marías): Daily at 10 am & 3 pm - Duration 4 hs - Fare $ 180. It includes trekking on “H” Island & coffee service.
* Sailing Boat If (Tres Marías): Daily at 10 am & 3 pm - Duration 4 hs - Fare $ 230 . It Includes trekking on “H” Island & coffee service.

All boat trip departures and trekkings depend on the weather conditions. You have to pay a tax of $ 7 per person
* City Tour: Duration 1h 30 - Fare $ 80.

* Classical Tierra del Fuego National Park: Duration 4 hs - Fare from $ 150.
* Escondido and Fagnano Lakes: Duration 7 hs - Fare from $ 200.
* End of the World Train: 8 km away from downtown - Daily departures at 9:30 am & 3 pm (regular), Saturday and Sunday at 12 pm (regular). Monday to Friday 12pm ( conditional) 
Fare tourist class $ 130 - Duration 1h 50 - Children 5 to 14 years old $ 30 - Children under 4 free. (National Park entrance fee not included).